Aggie reached her first birthday in August. Without Labradors in Need’s help she wouldn’t have. Born with a narrowed valve from her heart to her lungs, Aggie has been monitored with an ecg at diagnosis and 6 months later. The 6 month ecg found that the condition had progressed from moderate to severe and she needed surgery. In April, Aggie underwent a procedure to insert a balloon into her heart and stretch the valve. The procedure was a success and has improved the 70-80% severity by 40-50%. The valve still isn’t fully functional but it substantially reduces the risk of her life being cut short. Up to this point, vet bills have amounted to around £7,000.
Next month, Aggie is having a follow up ecg to check how things are since surgery. Depending on the findings, she may be able to come off the beta blockers. With any luck, she won’t have to go back for an ecg for another year.
Aggie has to go to a specialist centre at Pride vet hospital for the ecg, the cost of which is £1,300. So the focus of fundraising is to help cover some of this vet bill.
Those of you who have met Aggie will know that she is still brave, determined and mischievous! She’s also nosey, naughty and very much a brat, but she makes everyone smile! We should all ‘be more Aggie’ in some way, because nothing holds her back despite the challenges she faces.